IAS and MPPSC examinations are conducted by UPSC and State PSC. As these exams are conducted for government jobs, their schedules are subject to change as per government decisions. Ambitions keeps students updated with these schedules.
UPSC Exam - UPSC every year conducts the examinations for civil services and other posts. The entrance exam for the IAS is called the Civil Service Preliminary Exams. This is only the qualifying exam for writing the mains exam. It comprises of two papers with multiple choice questions each for two hours. Once you have cleared the Prelims exam you are eligible to appear in the Mains written exams. Once you have cleared the mains exam you will be eligible to face the personality test (interview).
MPPSC Exam - Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC), State Service Exam is conducted for recruitment to various posts in government departments and offices of the state of Madhya Pradesh. This exam is conducted in two stages namely the preliminary exam and the mains exam. Following the IAS exam pattern aspirants who clear the preliminary exam are allowed to appear for the mains exam. The number of candidates for the mains exam is fifteen times of available vacancies. Candidates clearing the mains exams appear in personality test (interview).